Overcast; Very cloudy
Windy 81 degrees
9mph winds 74% Humidity
We came to Fred Howard Park to study aquatic life! The water was a bit chilling probably due to the rain we been getting the past couple days.
I learned that there are three types of seagrass;
Manatee grass= round
Turtle grass= Flat wide
Shoal Grass= Flat and skinny
The foam in the water is fat from organisms! Ew!
Before snorkeling, we used a big net to capture sea creatures!
We captured a bunch of the same type of fish, that I don't recall the name of. We also caught a fiddler crab! We even saw a sting ray! (then I fastly exited the water)
The Ph of the ocean water was 6 and the salinity was 35.
I had so much fun snorkeling! I enjoyed the turtle grass more which was deeper because it was thicker and you could see some more cool animals! I saw loads of fish one being a catfish! I also saw a mollusk, clams, horseshoe crabs and a puffer fish!
Our classmate Clark even found a fishing pole!
Overall this was my favorite feild trip so far! I had so much fun snorkeling at this location and can't wait to snorkel for our group project at the park we choose!
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