Sunday, September 27, 2015

Clearwater Beach

Clearwater Beach Field Trip
Date: September 24th, 2015
Weather: 84F, sunny/no clouds

This sunny Thursday we went to visit our most popular beach - Clearwater Beach. We met around 2:15PM on Avalon St and went North from there. The main purpose of our trip was to study about beach dunes and do a beach profile. We split in 4/5 person groups and started researching the beach.

Our first task consisted of measuring how fast the beach drops each 3 meters into the water. We also took samples of the ground and noted what we found in those. It was mainly sand and shells. For the second part of our field trip we walked more towards North Clearwater Beach to see different types of sand dunes and organisms that live in them. It was an interesting lesson to see how each living thing is prepared to survive on the beach that has really harsh conditions.

After a couple of hours we started heading back to our cars while picking up trash from irresponsible citizens. You would be surprised what we found, I am glad I could participate in this project and make our beach looks even more beautiful than it already is.

Bonus picture: somewhere in there is a tortoise that we scared off when we entered the beach...

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