Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Wall Springs

Weather: 84 degrees, slight breeze and clear skies.

I was the first to arrive at Wall Springs so I casually strolled the park before taking a seat to start my journal. It was a very comfortable day with a nice breeze and convenient shade from the sun. Even when I went into direct sunlight it was still cool out. Our goal for the day was to study karst topography and springs. We unfortunately didn't get the chance to study sinkholes.

Wall Springs was purchased in the 1880's and became a health spa in the 1920's. In the 1950's it was turned into a recreational park. It is about 210 acres.

We began testing PH and salinity of the springs, pond and then bay. We could see that the water salinity had a steady rise as it exited the spring and entered the pond, and again as it left the pond into the bay. 

The most interesting part of this trip to me is how many horshoe crabs we saw. They were all mating and we spotted maybe 50 or so. This was the first time I've ever seen them in the wild.

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