Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Trip #9 Wall Springs

On October 29th, 2015 we visited Wall Springs Park.  Wall Springs is located in Palm Harbor, Florida.  The park is 210 acres and connected to the Pinellas Trail. On this day in the park the sky was mostly clear according to my cell phone the temperature is 79 degrees however it feels more like 85 degrees as I'm trying to not sweat. As we begin to walk in the park I notice that there is a lot of pine trees present. The most important centerpiece in the park in my opinion is the Spring. The source is the Florida aquifer. The spring stays at an almost constant 74 degrees. The P.H. of the spring is 7 and the Salinity is 2 - 3. There are Giant Leather Ferns and Duckweed present.

As we continue to walk threw the park we take another water sample in the bayou. The salinity is between 16-17 and the p.h. is 6. There are black, white and red mangroves present. If you look in the water you can see plenty of Needle fish, Horseshoe Crabs, mullet and even a few jellyfish. Deeper in the park the Salinity is 25. The park has angular sedge. The park faces some invading species such as the Air Potatoe, Rosary Pea, camphor tree, and Chinaberry. 

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