We visited Sawgrass Lake to learn about lakes and ponds. A lake is a body of fresh water that is larger than 10 acres and a pond is a body of fresh water that is less than 10 acres. Lakes and ponds can be natural or man-made and the water can come from rainfall or from below in the ground. There are two types of lakes, seepage and drainage lakes and the difference is that seepage lakes don't drain and drainage (obviously) do. There are different kinds of lake formations and characterizations and the lake ecosystem can be divided into 3 zones; the shoreline, the euphotic and the benthic. Animals can find food in the shoreline zone due to plants that grow there. Animals we saw at Sawgrass Lake were Ibis, turtles, Moor Hens, fish, and alligators, all feeding near the shore.
Don't forget to also include information about adaptations that organisms have to be successful in this environment.