Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Brooker Creek

Date: 11/13/14
Weather: 73 degrees Fahrenheit, 58% humidity, 15% cloud coverage
Area: maintained

Brooker Creek was quite an adventurous place. All I can say for sure was, I was not prepared. We were all enjoying a peaceful walk through the Flatwood trees (fire dependent) and Oak and Maple trees (not fire dependent). The ground had slight fluctuations, the area is 55% upland. With that, there's a difference in the vegetation and plant life. The Oak and Maple trees would be found on lower elevation (the wetlands) where there is more water. The Flatwoods and Cabbage Palm would be found on higher elevation (the hammock) where there is less water.

 This is green lizard that Dr. G was thrilled to see!

We then came across this scorpion-type bug. I researched but could not find a name!

We began walking further, past the visible trail... and into the creek! I expected this to be a small patch of water and we would be on land again, but I was very wrong.
 We continued and had to walk through more water...
Finally, we reached land!!!

Then Dr. G found an old piece of bread with mold on it. 
Seriously though, I researched this also and could not find the name of this fungai.
We were on our way back to the entrance and of course, found more water!!! There seemed to be much more water on our way back. 

 Towards the end I saw this armadillo digging for some gold. I stared at him forever and he wouldn't peek his head up.
But I was able to get a picture of his Shrek ears.

 This is a tree we observed that had epiphytes. Epiphytes are not parasitic!

The journey turned out to be a lot of fun! I think what made it so fun was how unexpected it was and how unprepared everyone was. I had a blast! Apparently they did too. 

Victoria Millman

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