Temperature: 86 degrees F.
Wind: SW 5 mph.
Sunrise-Sunset: 7:03-8:04.
Weather: 40% precipitation, minimal scud, some small white clouds.
We started the day in the lab, where we went over many of the plant and animal species found in Florida. Professor Goergen also covered how scientists use traits to classify species. During the second half of the class period we found ourselves grouped by tables and tasked with a scavenger hunt. This scavenger hunt (pictured below) was designed to help ensure all of the student had a basic grasp of the material covered previously. Each team then headed out onto the SPC Clearwater campus in search of various types of plants, animals, and environments that were covered in the days lecture.
Here is our group posing with a Mammal that also happens to be a tutor from the science room of the LSC.
Here i am posing with the Chameleon, an invasive species found in southern Florida.
Here is my foot posing with a bipinnate fern found near a retention pond on the Clearwater campus.
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