Monday, October 6, 2014

Crystal Beach...the hidden mucky gem of the suncoast

Location: Crystal Beach, Palm Harbor Florida
Time: 215pm
Weather: 83 Degrees F
Wind: 7 mph, SW

Our intrepid class journeyed to the wonderful and fun filled Crystal Beach for a couple of hours of transecting and exploring. The class started off by walking to the pier, in order to look from a higher vantage point, at the various lifeforms that make the mucky wetland their home. From our view we could see an abundance of Turtle Grass Thalassia testudinum, Shoal Grass Halodule wrightii, unidentified little silver bait type fish, and Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus. 

Aboriginal Crystal Beach art located on the pier.

Upon our return to the beach we were greeted by a pale bald man washing himself in the water, and Chloe the dog, who would've rather have joined our class than remain in the presence of her owners. 
 View of the Crystal Beach Pier

After breaking up into groups to begin our transecting of the shoreline, and water, I was fortunate enough to be triple dog dared by Hayden to retrieve an angry Blue Crab from the net that he captured it in. I figured "Why not?" plus I did sign a waiver absolving SPC from any responsibility for me. The Blue Crab reacted to my finger in quite an angry and professional way.  I proceeded to free him from his bondage, and launch him into the air.....making him the first aeronautical Blue Crab. He was not injured, and his claw had little effect on my finger, so it was an overall great experience. 

We spent the remainder of our trip carousing amongst the shoreline identifying the various types of mangroves that line Crystal Beach. There were Red, Black and White mangroves growing at the waters edge. We also were fortunate enough to find a baby Red Mangrove tree, It was interesting seeing it grow from its seed. But unfortunately the baby tree was slightly injured by a misplaced foot. I am sure the little Red Mangrove will survive the assault and persevere though. I highly recommend a visit to Crystal Beach if you would like to experience Florida and its native Floridians in a relaxed and mucky environment!


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